This is specifically to "Dude",
There are 24 hours in a day. we; (the good guys) work in shifts. I have tried the working until I drop thing and well, unless the Durka's are using the human wave/mass attacks (refer to Korea, and Vietnam) then there is no need to work until I collapse. I was an infantryman, I am no longer a "grunt". Again, there is no need for me to work 48, 60 or 70 hours in a row. As for whining, well perception is reality. If you perceive me to whine, then if I post once a month, or once every hour, will your perception of it change? As I said early in my postings, this blog serves largely one purpose it is my scribe, to remind me, later what I felt and have gone through here. The fact that some people find it of interest or helps them understand what a soldier on the ground here feels is serendipitous. The fact that it angers some people who think our efforts here are a waste doubly serendipitous!
As for reading, what would you have me do when I have (some) free time? Sharpen my knives, count the kill board, volunteer to go out and hunt for Durkas? Or maybe I should write my Congressman, and snivel about how much I want to come home, and that I didn't sign up for anything longer than one weekend a month. I'm not that guy, there is another martyr out there from Arizona, read his blog, again I am not that guy. You are free to post whatever you want on my blog. But don't accuse me of whining sir. This is my 7th deployment in 16 years, I have been in harms way before. Writing is how I cope with what happens all around me. Reading is a further escape from where I am now. Is that OK with you? Since Army General Order #1 prohibits me from beer, wine, and spirits, and since I am not with my wife, again my two escapes are writing and reading. Thanks for caring dude, but seriously, unless I get blown up...I'm fine. As the last line of my Letter of Admonishment from General Webster stated. "I consider this matter closed."
Maria R. Jordan,
I used to love a good techno thriller, now after being in uniform, preparing for and deploying to "this war" I don't particularly care to read about it any more. I still read military history, and study it, but as for reading it for fun. The thrill is gone. So, I read mysteries, I have again begun to read the classics, I have always loved "The Catcher in the Rye", Oh, and when I was at military school I did read Shara's "Killer Angels", great book! I am a huge fan of Roman military history. I was blasted for that on Booman Trib, I took many of the critics for what they were I took their jibes, and stabs at me. I rolled with their accusations etc... in the end they weren't attacking me. They were attacking what I represent. In the end, those worth keeping on contact with I do, the others well, I have stepped in things here that are worth more than their opinions. I am a soldier, it has been my life for nearly 2 decades. I also read books about wine, cooking, culture; I really love satire. I often joke that sarcasm was my major in college; however that isn't what my parents paid for so I ended up as a "grunt" in the Corps. The best of times...The worst of times. I actually have read War and Peace. It took me 2 years to read that one. The only thing that took me longer to read the bible, in Latin, the brain baby still kicks when I think about that.
Forgive me I digress, the simple answer is; reading about war (while I am here) leaves me feeling flat. I read other blogs, books on international relations, even economics. I read books on politics, books on politics in CA (Power and Politics in California). I play X box (sports games) thanks David & Hud!!! I keep another blog (OK, dude I whine there, I'll concede that. But it is password protected.)
Now, if you'll excuse me I have to go. It is Friday and that means cards... My only vice whilst I am here in the "cradle of civilization".
Semper Adsumus
Russ Currie
I hope you win (well won) a 5'er or more at cards!
Don't let them get to you!
Posted by: Household6 | 2005.07.26 at 04:05
Their a lot of trolls out there!
I love your blog, the good, the bad, the ugly... all of it!
Don't feed the
Posted by: PebblePie | 2005.07.25 at 13:15
Russ your writing is a valued part of my day. Thank you for serving. Thank you for writing. Godspeed
Posted by: membrain | 2005.07.25 at 12:20
Don't let the bastards get you down. (I know you don't)
Posted by: Big T. | 2005.07.24 at 20:59
I've got to go with Subsunk on this one; no need for you to explain anything to guys shooting off their mouths and not walking the walk. You have our heartfelt support and gratitude - we admire your writing gift for relating what everyday life is like for you (not so easy to do). Take care - you are much in our thoughts!
Posted by: Das | 2005.07.24 at 10:44
Press on, youngster. No Dude can go where you are going. We are all proud of you and your performance in Iraq. Keep up the good words on your blog and the good work in country.
Can't wait until you are home and in Congress. Good luck, youngster.
Posted by: Subsunk | 2005.07.23 at 19:34
Thank you for sharing your therapy with us, you certainly could have kept it hidden in a hard copy jounral somewhere and still served your original intent. As some readers above suggest, and I concur, it becomes a form of theray for others.
Keep writing...
Posted by: Curt | 2005.07.23 at 19:15
Your writing is a very good testament to the depth and the value of so many professional soldiers. It is a wonderful refutation of those who view the military as cruel or valueless.
I wish you well upon your return and in your ambitions for Congress. You would make a superb representative of the people.
May God keep you and your brothers in arms safe and healthy and bring true peace and freedom to the people of Iraq.
David Neely
Posted by: David Neeley | 2005.07.23 at 14:37
Hang in there, buddy. No one that's never worn Uncle's suit, or any uniform for that matter, will ever understand the incredible amount of time we spend getting ready to wait for something to happen. There's a reason rocks got painted white during my war.
Posted by: Peter | 2005.07.23 at 11:00
Dear Rusten,
I do not care what you write, just as long as you write! You are interesting and alive. What more could I ask? Have a great night at cards!
Posted by: Rosemary | 2005.07.23 at 08:36
Add our names to the list of avid readers who appreciate the time you invest to record your experiences. You're likely to have a bestseller under your belt by the time you get home. For now, even if nobody else reads your writing, you're better off for having written.
Posted by: Wayne's Mom | 2005.07.23 at 07:51
Oddly enough we live in the distrist where Paul Hackett and Jean Shmidt are battling it out. As much as I would love to see a former Marine serve in office I don't think he will pull it off here. He is very liberal for this area. His pro-choice views in a very pro-life region, and she has the backing of the farming organizations. I would be shocked if he pulls this off. She is out there in the news constantly at events in the area, and he well, isn't. Adams county has a huge Amish population, I bet they love his gun and war stories. There are groups out there lobbying to enforce the gun laws, they were here door to door giving gun locks. We now have a gun lock, and we don't own a gun! At least we are prepared if we ever feel compelled to purchase a gun. When asked about guns, all he could talk about was his hunting from here to there, and danced around answering on where he stands. Just that people need to be responsible. And I honor his service in Iraq, but he has a way of slipping his service into every talk, even when not asked about it. He has yet to provide a solution to the real problems this district faces, increasing meth labs and crime, poverty, slow business growth, weak foster programs, and poor parenting. The foster program in Brown county only has a few families that are willing or even quailfy to take in children who are removed from their home, and parents custody. They are in such a need that they now are forced to look for qualified homes outside the county. We were called by the director to consider taking children in. We know a caseworker with the department, and she thought that we were wonderful providers. Brown county farmers have been facing hard seasons. And tobacco growers are being forced to sell, or make a switch to a different crop. Many are turning to wine vinyards, (okay by me!) but it is hard to chance from something that you know to something you don't, and you are already ind debt. Mr. Hackett has yet to address that issue.
Russ you are better than that, and I know that you will win your election based on your passion and intelligence, and solutions to the real problems your district faces, not some general stance on basic issues, and not on the fact that you are an Iraqi veteran. That is just a portion of you, not the whole of you.
Keep writting, and keep doing all the other things that help you relax.
Posted by: TIna | 2005.07.23 at 06:35
Just found a link to the latest draft of the Iraq Bill of Rights FYI. Movin' right along!
Your history interests inspire me to suggest a parallel reading track you might like. I really enjoyed the books 1632 and 1633, and the sequels. They're kind of "alternate history" stories, based on the consequences of a mid-size American town being dropped into the middle of Germany during the 100 Years War, as an incidental side effect of some alien performance art gone wrong. :D Anyway, treated quite seriously and effectively. Those two are available by free download, the sequels are mostly purchase online only. Here's the library link:
Posted by: Brian H | 2005.07.22 at 22:52
Hey Dude
Just go away
Please don't come back
Another dayyyy
You're a jerk
your shitty and your rude
go back to work
we don't like your 'tude
*sung to the tune of Hey Jude*
Keep on writing, Russ, keep on!
Posted by: Huntress | 2005.07.22 at 19:43
Rusten, you don't know this, but I've been reading your blog for a while now. Frankly, your writing is incredible. You've inspired me and brought me to tears with your writing. I've felt the pain of your separation from your wife, the fear of not knowing what the day will bring and the grief of losing a comrade in arms.
Whatever you do, DO NOT stop writing. I don't care if you write daily, weekly, monthly or just once in a while. JUST WRITE.
Often the things that we do change people's lives. Yet we know little or nothing about it. You have to trust your inner voice and write when you have to, when you ache to, when you simply must write.
But don't stop. I couldn't endure the loss of your voice.
Posted by: antimedia | 2005.07.22 at 18:21
I appreciate your taking the time to answer - thanks. I have been devouring books on the Iraq war, most written by soldiers who have returned, and hope you will follow suit with one. My English teacher used to say the key to writing is reading, and your broad interests come through in your writing about Iraq. And again, its not whining, its THINKING. Keep safe, and thanks again.
Posted by: mrj | 2005.07.22 at 17:46
you need to be in office, methinks.
Posted by: chris Muir | 2005.07.22 at 16:14
I just happened by by way of Blackfive. Two paragraphs in and I can tell you're a natural for bigger and better things. I live in So Cal, and we need guys like you getting into government. (Though why any sane person would voluntarily do that is beyond me. But if you do, I'm on your side.)
"Duty, Honor, Country" is a hard code to live up to, but you sound to me like an Aes Triplex kind of guy. I'll be watching the news come election time. It'll be a tough fight - the Democrats are well entrenched (and the governor's redistricting plan has been thrown out by a court), and their strongholds are LA and SF - islands of blue in a sea of red. It'll be uphill all the way, with the Democratic machine firing full blast. But then if it were easy, anybody could do it.
Posted by: Mike | 2005.07.22 at 15:50
There's a certain segment of the population who thinks that every waking moment in the military is spent doing nothing but "military things." It's up to we Milbloggers to correct such ignorance where it is found.
Yo, Dude; GIs aren't magically turned into worker ants upon graduation from basic training. A very larger portion of us can walk and chew gum at the same time, as well as catch bad guys at work and write short missives during the off-time.
We got it like that. Much of it is inborn, but it can be taught. I hope you learn to do this.
Posted by: Juliette | 2005.07.22 at 15:06
Hi Rusten,
You are going to be one great Congressman! I really look forward to your return to SoCal to rattle the cages here.
The loony left has the MSM and squeaks a lot, but there are a lot of flags flying on cars here in blue state SoCal. The truth is getting through, thanks to you, T6, MajK, Michael Yon, and the other milblogs.
Thank you for stepping up to the hard task, there is no way we CAN thank you all. Keep the faith, for your cause is just and you are definitely winning!
Posted by: Edward | 2005.07.22 at 14:05
Keep up the good work! If I only read the paper and watched the news, I'd think things were going horribly. Luckily I'm better informed because of the internet - getting a better picture from people who are actually there! My family prays for all of you every day. What's being done is necessary and will help transform the world in many positive ways.
Posted by: Bryan McRoberts | 2005.07.22 at 13:41
I have a friend serving proudly with you and he has spoken of you and Major K (amoung others) with the highest of regards. I have been following the stories in the news about your company and the FOB. Just about everyday I see stories telling of what you guys are doing. How you are taking the Bad Guys off the streets. How you are helping the local people and how you are gaining their trust. About helping to train the Iraq Soldiers and going on patrol with them.
Slacker is not a term anyone could use to descibe the job you guys are doing.
You guys have been doing a lot of hard work and we read about it in the news back here.
Speaking of the news, did you see that another Iraqi War vet is running for Congress. Paul Hackett of Ohio and one story can be found here:
Looks like you won't be alone up there on the hill.
The other story today that caught my eye was: 'Raging Grannies' want to enlist, go to Iraq.
Looks like some enlistment goals may be easier to make this month.
You guys are doing a good job.
Take Care and God Bless.
Posted by: Chris | 2005.07.22 at 13:25