It's quiet here...too quiet, yeah I know this is cliche. But lately things in the "Nightstalker" AO are real quiet. We have made some "arrests", rather we have empowered out Iraqi allies to snatch some rather nasty individuals. Suffice to say the infantry types are getting antsy. As far as I'm concerned the quieter the better. It was a cool 111 today, not as hot as it is going to get, but about as hot as it has been. I am looking forward to it being above 125. The kind of heat that makes the thermometer quit. Like trying to breath fire, the kind of heat that quite literally brings a war to a grinding halt. Neither side wants to have to fire and maneuver if there is even the slightest possibility of having to run more than a few inches. I for one am glad I am no longer infantry, don't get me wrong I am proud that I served as an infantryman in the Corps, but those days are long gone, and the infantry is a younger man's game.
I am back on a steady diet of near beer, and canned soup, ravioli, and assorted fruits and veggies. Food has lost its luster after leave. When I was on Leave DJ and I ate at some great restaurants, great memories, that have left my desire to eat in the mess hall flat. No complaints though... well not many. I can't wait to eat good food again. If you are ever in Marina Del Rey, I highly encourage you to try Akbar, on Washington and Lincoln. Excellent!!! Now, if you'll excuse me I have to eat my cheese burger, and cold onion rings.
I have been reading that you have aspirations for Congress? Let me know when you're going run. You can reach me at my blog or e-mail me. We can talk about your issues and ideas.
Until then, please EAT! Okay, I know I'm not your Mom, but please? Pretty please? Okay, with a Cherry on top? lol.
Posted by: Rosemary | 2005.06.17 at 00:19
Great photo of a future congressman. I love hot weather. Perfect time to drink more meals, and rest in the shade. As any Texan will tell you farmers feed chickens crushed ice to keep them from laying hard boiled eggs and trees are whistling for dogs.
Posted by: Chevy Rose | 2005.06.08 at 07:44
I think at 130 degrees Mike
Posted by: MWG | 2005.06.07 at 13:15
Above 125? At what point does the brain actually begin to boil? Damn...
Posted by: MBN | 2005.06.06 at 09:14
We'll take you out to PF Chang's again when you get back, but you have to actually eat something this time.
Posted by: JNALLY | 2005.06.06 at 08:34
Hey Rusten-
Nice new pic- very "Congressional"!
111... ug. 125... *faints*
It was 90 here yesterday, and I was sweating like a pig (no-scratch that. Ladies "glisten"). I can't imagine 125. Breathing fire sounds like an accurate description to me. I find your remarks about things slowing down because neither side wants to run more than an inch in that heat very interesting. I never really thought about the heat as a reason for decreased activity. Very interesting....
Anywhoo... thanks for the update, and be looking for a care package from me. It will go in the mail this week. And remember- my offer to help with the campaign still stands.
Posted by: AFSister | 2005.06.06 at 07:25
Great new pic of you in the corner.
Posted by: Toni | 2005.06.05 at 06:29
I don't believe you are eating chow hall food!!!
Posted by: Cinnie | 2005.06.04 at 22:03